Bouquet ribbon in ivory


VAT included. plus shipping costs


We adore

Our wonderful bouquet ribbon in ivory is lovingly and carefully hand-sewn in the weddorable studio in Düsseldorf and is an enchanting detail for your bridal bouquet.

Personalise Me!
The bouquet band can be personalized. Make your bridal bouquet something unique and personalize it with initials, the wedding date or a saying that connects you and your partner. Personalized products are non-returnable.

As this product is handmade and may be personalized, please allow up to 5 days for your hair bow to ship. Feel free to email if you need it faster. We would be happy to check our capacities.

Details & Care

• Colour: ivory
• Handmade in Germany
• 100% high-quality satin
• Delivered in a gift box

Sizes & Fit

• width 18 cm
• height 20 cm

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